This thread here, if I run it through my fingers I can feel my life there, hidden in the fibers.

It began with Khalida, my mother. She taught me the sanctity of kindness to others. My father, Ali, who taught me what it is to be brave and unbowed by defeat. And with Sara, my sister, who taught me the importance of change and to not reject it.

If I follow this thread past my family I arrive at my teachers: Ken Stebbing, Robert Zelenka and John Ramlochand. They taught me the power of storytelling and they all said: Never stop wondering, never stop questioning.

My thread runs alongside Matthew Rosen and Jun Aves - my mentors. They believe in me and encourage me to keep on this road.

I started this path years ago, under an unforgiving sun at the Kabul Military Training Center. It took me to Ludmila Cvikova, she found my work and because of it, she made all the difference in the world.

My thread is woven between Kabul, Northern Virginia, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Rotterdam and Metro Manila and nowhere and I would have it no other way.

My thread is but a single strand in a vast and beautiful tapestry.

I share it with my friends, with the films I have seen, images that inspire and the words that give strength to my heart and soul.

When my own thread reaches its end, looking back I hope that when others will be able to trace it, it will have shown that I have done some small good for the world and the people I will have met in the journey.


Darkness, light. Strife and love. Are they the workings of one mind? The features of the same face? Oh, my soul. Let me be in you now. Look out through my eyes. Look out at the things you made. All things shining.

Private Edward P. Train - The Thin Red Line

[Do you have gifts for me, to pay me for my dreams?]
- the Crone of High Heart, A Storm of Swords.


