Changing the climate at CYFD will take time

My experience at the Children Youth and Family Department of New Mexico was, at times, bizarre, disturbing, and disappointing.

I did however meet a handful of great human beings, among them my friend: Cliff W. Gilmore, retired Marine and former Public Information Officer for the CYFD, and conscience whistleblower.

If all I can take away from my seven months of time at the department is my friendship with Cliff, Debra, and Little Emma then I would argue it was all worth it.

Here, we share our thoughts on the needed steps to reform both the workforce and the treatment of the workforce. Secretary Vigil and her new Deputy Beth Gillia will face an uphill institutional battle, one that will need to be fought if vulnerable children here in New Mexico are to receive the care and support they deserve.

And it goes without saying, in the near future I will have a few more words about my former colleague Charlie Moore-Pabst, my experience with him, his conduct, and his contribution to the Blalock-Locke legacy at the department.