August 2021 to August 2022

Dear friends and colleagues.

It has now been a year since that August.I want to thank you all for that month, and in the many months after – for doing as much as you could, to help as many people as you could.

On behalf of our Afghan friends, allies and colleagues – thank you for trying. ❤Please think to help lobby for the passage of the Afghan Adjustment Act in the United States Congress.…/117th…/senate-bill/4787/text

And to urge the Biden Administration to continue to facilitate and support the resettlement of allies and at-risk Afghans here in the United States.

And lastly, I would l like to leave this from my friend David Fox (and another evacuee from Kabul that August, along with his family) – it is worth remembering the dignity and beauty of that country and people, as seen through his eyes.